Journal Policy

Journal Policy

  1. Peer Review Process:
    Heritage Research Journal: A Premier Open Access and Multidisciplinary Journal follows a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published articles. All submitted manuscripts undergo a thorough evaluation by experts in the respective fields. The double-blind peer review process ensures unbiased assessments and maintains the confidentiality of authors and reviewers. Constructive feedback is provided to authors to enhance the quality of their work.
  2. Open Access Policy:
    Heritage Research Journal is an open access journal, meaning that all articles are freely available to readers worldwide. This facilitates broad access to published research, promoting knowledge dissemination and fostering global collaboration. Authors retain copyright of their work, allowing others to access, use, and build upon their findings with proper attribution.
  3. Copyright and Licensing:
    Authors publishing in Heritage Research Journal retain the copyright of their work. Published articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This ensures the broadest possible dissemination and impact of published research.
  4. Plagiarism and Ethical Standards:
    Heritage Research Journal adheres to the highest ethical standards in academic publishing. Plagiarism, fraudulent data, and any other forms of misconduct are strictly prohibited. Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work and appropriately citing and acknowledging the contributions of others. Any concerns regarding ethical issues are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions are taken.
  5. Retraction and Corrections:
    In cases where errors, misconduct, or significant issues are identified after publication, Heritage Research Journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. Corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern may be issued to maintain the integrity of the journal and ensure the accuracy of the scholarly record.
  6. Data Sharing and Reproducibility:
    Heritage Research Journal encourages authors to share their data, when ethically and legally permissible, to facilitate transparency and reproducibility. Authors are encouraged to provide relevant data and supporting materials in open repositories or as supplementary files to enhance the research’s verifiability and impact.
  7. Publication Ethics and Research Integrity:
    Heritage Research Journal upholds the principles of publication ethics and expects all authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to these principles. This includes ensuring the originality of work, avoiding conflicts of interest, respecting intellectual property rights, and maintaining confidentiality throughout the peer review process.
  8. Editorial Independence:
    Heritage Research Journal maintains editorial independence and ensures that decisions on manuscript acceptance or rejection are based solely on academic merit. The editorial team and reviewers evaluate submissions without any bias or influence from external factors.
  9. Corrections and Appeals:
    Authors have the opportunity to request corrections to published articles if errors or inaccuracies are identified. Appeals against editorial decisions are also considered following a formal process outlined in the journal’s appeals policy.
  10. Editorial Team and Reviewers:
    Heritage Research Journal values the contributions of its dedicated editorial team and reviewers, who provide their expertise and insights to maintain the quality and integrity of published articles. The journal acknowledges and appreciates their voluntary efforts in the peer review process.

By adhering to these policies, Heritage Research Journal ensures the highest standards of academic publishing and promotes integrity, transparency, and accessibility in disseminating scholarly research.